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Devine Homes is committed to ensuring that you always receive a high-quality product and an exceptional standard of service.


Devine Homes is committed to ensuring that you always receive a high-quality product and an exceptional standard of service.

Our Customer Charter has been created for your complete peace of mind as a customer and is displayed in the Marketing Suite at all Devine Homes developments.


  1. We undertake to comply with the Consumer Code for Home Builders and will give you a copy of the Code following reservation. You can view this information online at

  2. In order that you enjoy your experience in purchasing a new home from Devine Homes, we will ensure that our team explains fully to you the process of buying your new home, providing details regarding the actions you need to undertake and those which our team will handle. The team will also supply a Reservation Checklist which will cover items such as kitchen layouts, types of materials and finishes for your new home, fencing, pathways etc.

  3. All Devine Homes staff have been trained so they understand our responsibilities to you and can fulfil the commitments made in this Charter and in the Consumer Code. The contact name and details of the team responsible for helping you during the buying process, including after completion of your new home will be provided.

  4. Our advertising, marketing and reservation information will be clear and helpful.

  5. Our Sales Executives can provide details of solicitors and new homes’ specialists, if required and will also ensure that you are given the opportunity to receive the latest independent mortgage advice and assistance, together with any current Government-backed purchase schemes for new homes (e.g. Help to Buy or Deposit Unlock).

  6. We will give you regular updates about the timing of the construction of your new home, legal completion and handover of the property.

  7. We will demonstrate the functions and facilities of your home to you prior to legal completion.

  8. We will inform you about site safety precautions if you visit your new home under construction or if you are living on a Devine Homes development where construction work is still ongoing.

  9. Our Devine Homes Homeowner Guide contains information about the customer service warranty and emergency services that we provide for 2 years after legal completion. This includes details of our 24-hour, 365-day response service for emergency calls, out of normal office hours.


Our procedures for dealing with customer complaints is set out as follows: Please contact us by email on






We will investigate all customer complaints thoroughly and consider all the relevant facts.

We will accept responsibility for warranty service requests where we may have failed to meet the industry performance standards. In the case of a disagreement, we will honour the independent findings of the arbitration service provided by the warranty body.

If you are unhappy with your new home, or the service provided, it is important that you raise any issues with the Devine Homes Customer Service Team in the first instance, so they can address your concerns.


Step 1 - Making a complaint


Please provide the Devine Homes Customer Care Team with the following information:


  • Your full contact details.

  • Detailed information about your complaint.

  • How you would like us to resolve the issue.

We promise to:

Investigate your complaint thoroughly and provide a fair response.
Acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days of receipt (ex. weekends & Bank Holidays) and contact you within 7 working days. If it is not possible to resolve your complaint within 7 working days of receipt, we will keep you updated with the progress regarding the complaint on a weekly basis and advise you when we expect to be able to resolve the complaint.
Aim to resolve all complaints at Step 1, but acknowledge this is not always possible.


Step 2 - If you are not satisfied


We always do our best to work with every customer in a fair and reasonable manner when considering any complaints. However, if you are not satisfied with our response, you should refer your complaint to our Head of Construction. They will then acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days of receipt (ex. weekends & Bank Holidays) and will contact you within 7 working days. They will either reply fully or advise you of the steps they are taking and give you a date by when they will be able to respond in full.


Step 3 - If the matter is still not resolved


If the Head of Construction is unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you are advised to escalate this complaint to the Head of Sales & Marketing, who has overall responsibility for ensuring Devine Homes’ customers receive the highest levels of care.

They will take time to consider your complaint. They will then visit you and determine the best course of action in order to resolve the matter, responding to you in the same timescales as stated in Steps 1 and 2 above.


Where a complaint is not closed 56 calendar days from the Complaint Initiation Date (the date we received your complaint), you will be sent an 8 week letter from us updating you.

Once the Complaint is closed you will be sent a letter from us listing all the items agreed and confirmation that each item has been resolved.


If we are unable to resolve your complaint satisfactory


We always do our best to resolve complaints in a fair and reasonable manner. However, if you are unhappy with our final response, or with any delay in providing our final response after following the steps outlined above, you can contact either your Home Warranty Provider - NHBC or The Consumer Code, as appropriate and ask them for an independent review.

These bodies offer independent dispute resolution to help homeowners where the complaint relates to the marketing and selling of homes or a failure to build your home to acceptable warranty standards if your reservation was subject to The Consumer Code. We will also provide details of the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme should you request it. You can forward any complaint to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme after 56 calendar days of the Complaint Initiation Date.


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